La Boutique Fantasque Petrushka
Dancing Times 01/17/2020: I was asked recently if anyone still pcrforms Petrushka. The ballet may seem old-fashioned, and the issue of the black-face Moor is challenging, but Balle
Dracula Ballet Magdeburg
Dancing Times 05/17/2019:I confess to being apprehensive abou t seeing a ballet company for the first time performing a work likc Dracula, which could be a can vas for a 11 kinds o
Magdebourg Ballet de L’Opéra “Dracula”
Dancing Times 05/15/2019: le prendre a la gare, sa chambre est bien chauffee, Jes repas servis avec raffinement. II ne voit le Comte qu’au moment ou la nuit tombe. Personne
A Brit in Bogotá
Dancing Times 02/15/2019: Colombia’s capital, Bogota, with its Teatro Mayor and other stages where opera and theatre blossom, has never had a ballet company as such. Theatres